Sunday, October 30, 2011


Tori's windows. Who invited them?

Harvest Moon

We all love the Harvest Moon in Autumn. But it is out side and you can't drink it.

But now you can! Thanks to technology innovated by the LCBO, you can bring the Harvest Moon home.

1.5 ounces Spiced Whisky (which is good on its own)
0.5 ounces Goldschlager
2.0 ounces apple cider

Shake and serve with a slice of apple.


It Begins ...

EBay Finds

Thanks to Frank, I am now the proud owner of a $0.99 iPod holder for the car, plus $2.50 for shipping. From Hong Kong. What a deal.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hacintosh 10.7.2

Yup, upgraded to 10.7.2 without a hitch using the instructions from here. That got me from 10.6.8 to 10.7.0 (the Lion upgrade I bought for the real Macs in the house). The 10.7.0 to 10.7.2 update went smooth.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Well, looks like it is not too hard to upgrade to Lion on the Hackintosh.

Tom Waits - Bad As Me

Listening to Bad As Me from my digital download.  Just received confirmation that the Limited Edition CD and LP have shipped.  A happy time in the house.  In other news, my spouse will be out the night it comes, whatever night that is.

I Smell Another Vinyl Night Coming

Whats cooking at V i n y l   N i g h t labs?

Just another V i n y l   N i g h t.  Details soon.

That is All

Working Downtown last Saturday

I love working downtown Toronto when they close the Gardner.  It seems to happen every time.  Here I am zipping along Lakeshore Road West at, oh, 0 km/h.


When I was in Denver, I was bored.  Really bored.  Flipping around Netflix, (can you use the term 'flipping'?), I came across Jericho.  It is a series (unfortunately only one and a half seasons) that deals with life post nuclear war.

My kind of happy, go lucky TV.

Anyway, lots of twists, turns and conspiracies.  You learn what is going on as the characters do.  A very entertaining show.  A shame it was killed off.  Luckily they managed to end part of the story line in a relatively decent way.


Well, you know that your company's expense system is bad when it takes both sides of Tom Waits' "Blue Valentine" to do the expenses for a five day trip to Denver.

On the good side, I was able to listen to Tom Waits' "Blue Valentine" on work time.

On another Tom Waits note, I just received the download code for "Bad as Me".  Plus, notice that the CD and LP should be shipping soon.
