Wednesday, April 7, 2010

French vs. English

Drinking Scotch, listening to music (see )

Eating "Crisp Vegetable Crackers" or "Craquelins aux legumes Collatuions Croquantes Cuites Au Four"

Save ink, use English

Four? Four what?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


In the basement listening to some music for the next VINYL NIGHT and I look around. I am surrounded by 13 chairs within 2 metres of where I am standing.


13 Chairs.

This is freaky.

13 is not good. I have seen the movies.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why I Hate April Fools Day

I am now sweating and have a headache. Thanks Alex :P

Love you too, Alex, love you too.

If Peter is behind this, no beer tonight for him.