Sunday, January 31, 2010


Playing around with openvz on our home linux server. Even though the server is an ages old Pentium III with 386 MB RAM, openvz installs easily. It is along the lines of Free BSD comtainers, and Solaris Zones as opposed to VMware or XenServer. Will post more on this later, along with a mini 'how to' once I get WebVZ up an running. WebVZ is a ruby on rails GUI for openvz.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Smelly Paint

OK, Alex wil be home from Trent in a few weeks, so we thought we better decorate her new room. The new room being Victoria's old one. First thing s first, we have to cover up the stripes that we did for Victoria. A good thing since we never actually finished them. We picked up the paint, and tinted primer, that we were told we would need.

So, we are putting on the primer and I say to myself, 'This ain't red'. So I do some more. I say, 'Yep, this so ain't red'. Oh well, will paint red on it tomorrow. And, this 'Eco Paint' stinks. Really stinks.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dinner Club

Had a wonderful dinner at Frankenbeths the other night (09.01.10). Just fantastic. Looks like the next dinner is set for 20.02.10. After that, holy crap, it's ours to host. Gotta think of a theme, something ... anything?

V i n y l N i g h t

V i n y l N i g h t has it's own page! This is where most of the music related posts will go from now on.

Wow, I suck

Do I ever suck at this.

Next V i n y l N i g h t is 29.01.10


Brick Wall Systems