Friday, November 19, 2010

Afternoon Sun

Looking outside our bedroom window, and thought that the sky looked fantastic. With these early autumn nights and the leaves all gone, the clouds and lighting are just perfect.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Time Machine with NFS and SMB.


Time Machine with NFS and SMB.

Note: Do not do this as root, or prefix the command with “sudo”.

defaults write TMShowUnsupportedNetworkVolumes 1

And now network devices will show up as Time Machine drives.

Thursday, October 21, 2010



I use it on Safari and Firefox. It's really worth it. Faster web page loads and no stupid ads. Especially the ones with audio.

WTF iPhone Battery

Well. All of a sudden two nights ago, my iPhone didn't charge over night. It was at 67% in the morning (ITM). Charged it in the car while listening to No Agenda. Get to work, it's at 70%. And hot. 30 minutes later, it's at 45%. I have not even used it. Plugged it into my laptop. Didn't charge, but didn't discharge either. Just before leaving the office, packed up, but then stayed for half an hour. It was dead. D-E-A-D, dead.

Plugged it in in the car, only got to 11% by the timer I got home. Charged all evening to 40%. Charged over night. 86% ITM.

Charged some more using battery doctor. Made it to 100%. Down to 95% after 5 minutes.

Turned off push on email when it was at 90%, One hour later, 86%.

That was fsck'd up.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Water Taxi Driver

I want to be a Water Taxi Driver.

In Venice.

It's been a year and I miss it so.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Adding Fonts to Linux

Installing TTF fonts in CentOS/RedHat

Installing TTF fonts is very easy. As always with system files, you will need root access.
To install, follow these simple commands;

Check if directory /usr/share/fonts/TTF exists, if it does not exist, create it.

# mkdir /usr/share/fonts/TTF

Copy any *.TTF file font you want to install to /usr/share/fonts/TTF/ directory then run the command:

# /sbin/service xfs reload

Thats all!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Eye Surgery

Ceri went for her Lasik surgery today. You would think that something with lasers would be exciting. Not so much. There were cookies on plates, and free tea and coffee. Thats where the fun ended. I wished that they would at least had a red light on the wall when the laser was on, and maybe had the lights flicker in the waiting room. That would have been cool.

Or even friggen sharks with laser beams on their heads. In a tank.

Someone passed out, that was neat.

Ceri is doing just fine. right now.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

French vs. English

Drinking Scotch, listening to music (see )

Eating "Crisp Vegetable Crackers" or "Craquelins aux legumes Collatuions Croquantes Cuites Au Four"

Save ink, use English

Four? Four what?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


In the basement listening to some music for the next VINYL NIGHT and I look around. I am surrounded by 13 chairs within 2 metres of where I am standing.


13 Chairs.

This is freaky.

13 is not good. I have seen the movies.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Why I Hate April Fools Day

I am now sweating and have a headache. Thanks Alex :P

Love you too, Alex, love you too.

If Peter is behind this, no beer tonight for him.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Yes, we went bowling with Bob and Joanne Saturday night. What a hoot. Ceri and Bob kicked ass, while Joanne and I, well, not so much. I then whisked everyone off to Symposium for $10.95 Mojito pitcher night. Lot's of fun.

Then I was called in at 2 AM.


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spontaneous Venice Picture

I love Venice.

It was the most amazing place I have ever been to, and I will go again.

This was taken on our first day exploring. The place was like some massive Disney Epcot Centre. sad but true, I can only compare it to something fake.

But it is amazing.

I Thought I Knew

I thought I knew what I wanted. I really did.

Then Hari bought the Krell amps. I listened. They were good. Really good. We did A/B comparisons. The Krells bested the McIntosh MC275's in almost every category.

Now, what about my undying love of the Cary SLI-80? You have me, I don't know. I was tossing around the idea to run a tube pre-amp and solid state amps, but it didn't seem right.

It seems righter now.

Thanks Hari.

A Reminder of Our Own Mortality

Enough said.

I don't have any credits for the image, but if I find out who did this, I will update the blog.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

iTunes Store

Looks like the people that bought the LCBO application from the iTunes store also bought the Canadian Drivers Ed application

Lesson learned.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tori's Vogue Party

Well, the little one will be 8 tomorrow. She had a Vogue Model party on Saturday. Lot's of fun. Tori and all her friends had a blast. Even Nana had a trip.

Nothing beats 7 girls having make up and nail polish, hair done and learning to walk the cat walk. All learning the skill sneeded to snag a man.

Monday, February 15, 2010

She's Back ....

Yup, the room was clean and tidy for a few moments, and then she returned.
We can clean it up again next week when she leaves.
We still love her though.

Family Day

Yup, it's Family Day.

Ceri had to work.
Alex is at work.
Tori is skating.
I am cleaning the office.

Happy Family Day.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ally's Comin' Home

Tori can't wait. Going to pick her up Thursday after work. Fighting traffic all the way. Good thing the Pacifica has a brand new shiny tie rod. Drives like a brand new old car.

Hope Alex likes her room!

Tori's Tug

Just another day in grade two.
The Challenge:

Build a boat that can carry 100 pennies

The answer, Tori's Tug. Yes, built as most sea faring vessels are today, with empty water bottles. Fashioned together with big green tie-wraps, and topped with a canvas sail made from canvas (who knew?) and pencils.

She did Good!

Monday, February 1, 2010

iTunes DJ

It is just so cool. Loved it earlier on V i n y l N i g h t, love it now on BtN

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Playing around with openvz on our home linux server. Even though the server is an ages old Pentium III with 386 MB RAM, openvz installs easily. It is along the lines of Free BSD comtainers, and Solaris Zones as opposed to VMware or XenServer. Will post more on this later, along with a mini 'how to' once I get WebVZ up an running. WebVZ is a ruby on rails GUI for openvz.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Smelly Paint

OK, Alex wil be home from Trent in a few weeks, so we thought we better decorate her new room. The new room being Victoria's old one. First thing s first, we have to cover up the stripes that we did for Victoria. A good thing since we never actually finished them. We picked up the paint, and tinted primer, that we were told we would need.

So, we are putting on the primer and I say to myself, 'This ain't red'. So I do some more. I say, 'Yep, this so ain't red'. Oh well, will paint red on it tomorrow. And, this 'Eco Paint' stinks. Really stinks.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Dinner Club

Had a wonderful dinner at Frankenbeths the other night (09.01.10). Just fantastic. Looks like the next dinner is set for 20.02.10. After that, holy crap, it's ours to host. Gotta think of a theme, something ... anything?

V i n y l N i g h t

V i n y l N i g h t has it's own page! This is where most of the music related posts will go from now on.

Wow, I suck

Do I ever suck at this.

Next V i n y l N i g h t is 29.01.10


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