Monday, September 22, 2008

KVM and Xen

Playing with KVM in the beta release of Ubuntu 8.10. Looks like it can load RedHat (CentOS) guests now. About time. Cool thing is it let me load the Xen kernel of CentOS in a KVM guest. What does that mean? Well, lots. I fired up virt-manager in my CentOS guest, and had all my resources. So I installed two paravirt guests in the CentOS guest.

All looks good. Well most of it is. I am performing yum updates to both Xen guests, and the bridging on the network interfaces are fighting amongst themselves.

Other than that, cool!

Later I have to take Alex to her Honours presentation at school. Three years running, good stuff.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Converting an RHEL 4 server to a CentOS 4 server

# Download rpm packages from a CentOS mirror of choice

# Import gpg key
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY-centos4

# Remove redhat dependencies
rpm -e --nodeps redhat-release

# Install the centos packages above
rpm -Uvh *.rpm

# Upgrade the installation
yum upgrade

Thanks to Andreas from the web

Worlds worst blog

OK, just setting  up mediatomb for my server at home so that it can serve media to my dlink media lounge.  But it looks like there is no repository for it in centos or rpmforge.  Guess I need to download the source and compile.

Oh, well.