Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Windows at Work

Unfortunately, I have to use Windows at work. What do I work on? Solaris and Linux. This makes sense. Oh well, it is paying the mortgage.

How do I cope? With these:

RocketDock, this gives me the wonderful Mac OS X dock application. I moved the Windows bar to the top, and have it auto-hide. Much better.

VMware Server gives me a free virtualisation environment, where I have CentOS 5 and Solaris 10 installed, both running in headless mode (no GUI).

Xming gives me a fast and light Xwindow environment. Better than eXceed I think, also free.

putty, the wonderful ssh client also allows X tunneling over ssh, which is then picked up by Xming.

Looks good, huh? None of the Windows GUI nastiness, all of the Linux/Solaris/Mac OS X goodness I need, with the Windows connectivity that corporate demands.

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